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Supporting SLC Educators with Annual Educational Enrichment Grants

Grant Application (Due Apr 30)

The SLC EEG Philosophy

We are committed to providing District educators with the extra resources you require to deliver a differentiated experience to your students. Grants from this privately-funded initiative are renewed on an annual basis.


Grant Application

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Selection Process



Application Timing

Enhancing Opportunities

Timing & Process

All decisions will be made by mid May with status communication occurring soon thereafter to your District email address.

All grant applications will be reviewed by the EEG Board who will make final grant determinations.


There are no set rules regarding how the grants can be used as long as the end result is an improvement in the educational opportunities for District students.

Grants are made on an annual basis, with all applications due by April 30 of the school year preceding the year where the grant will be disbursed.

The St. Lawrence Central Education Enrichment Grant (EEG) is an annual grant meant to enable educators in the District to get funding for opportunities, materials, or experiences that would materially augment classroom instruction, but which would not be possible to obtain within current District

EEG requests can be in any dollar amount from $50 - $5,000 with funds being disbursed on an annual basis.


Examples of potential EEG funding opportunities could include, but are not limited to:
-External speakers
-Transportation to an enrichment event
-Subscriptions to online resources or traditional publications
-Student and Educator entry fees for an enrichment event
-Materials to facilitate in-class learning


Privately-funded, EEG grants may be requested by any District educator. Grants will be made once per year, and on a rolling basis.

All interested educators should submit an EEG application form. All submissions will be reviewed by the EEG Board and submitters will be notified of grant decisions.

Funds related to successful applications will be disbursed by the District Business Manager.

German Teacher
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